No Period

Lack of periods is one of the common symptoms triggering a request from your referring doctor,
for a gynaecological ultrasound.

No period

Lack of periods is one of the common symptoms triggering a request from your referring doctor, for a gynaecological ultrasound. A pelvic scan is often requested for many purposes, and more than one may be relevant when there is no period: delay in getting pregnant, suspicion of different anatomy of the uterus, changes in the uterus lining or problems with the ovaries which can be associated with other medical problems.  

If you have been referred because of a lack of periods, then an abdominal and/or a vaginal scan will give your doctor more information on potential causes.

no period
no period

Abdominal or vaginal

A scan for a lack of periods usually consists of two different scans: the abdominal scan gives a good overview, but for most gynaecological ultrasounds we prefer to perform a vaginal ultrasound, where a narrow probe is inserted. A vaginal ultrasound may sound awkward, but it is generally a far gentler examination than a cervical smear. Although the vaginal ultrasound is done after bladder emptying, if you are attending QDOS for the first time, or re-visiting after a few years, we prefer to begin with abdominal pictures. Water in the bladder makes the abdominal scan clearer, so it helps if you have had two glasses of any liquid to drink before your appointment. If you have visited for a vaginal ultrasound before, you may have been advised not to worry about bladder filling for your next appointment.

In case a vaginal ultrasound would not be appropriate, the bladder filling becomes even more important for clear views through your abdomen. Children to be scanned, and women who have never had sex, or experience a lot of pain with sex, will need to have a full bladder (usually 3 glasses of fluid an hour before your scan is realistic).  Young girls and adolescents are not booked late in the day, as sometimes waiting longer for the bladder to fill is necessary.  

What can a scan tell us about lack of periods?

Ultrasonography provides clarity on the physiological changes in the ovary and in the endometrium (uterus lining) during a normal menstrual cycle. When the cycle is interrupted, the different appearances of the ovaries and endometrium help to determine the underlying cause. Your ultrasound can be very useful to assess your anatomy and ovarian activity. Specialists agree that the interpretation of gynaecological ultrasound in this case is not entirely straightforward, and it requires an O&G specialist ultrasound practice to interpret images, and to diagnose conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Related Information

no period

Specialist O&G Ultrasound practitioners

At QDOS Ultrasound Perth, Dr Kristy Milward performs Gynaecological Ultrasounds on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She also performs gynaecological scans at King Edward Memorial Hospital, and is regularly involved in training doctors in this area. QDOS Ultrasound was established in 1994 as “Park Ultrasound” by Dr Bev Hewitt and she also performs gynaecological scans at the clinic. Dr Hewitt is the only doctor in Western Australia to complete the highly-regarded COGU qualification by examination and thesis. Our practice is located in West Leederville, Perth.

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Contact QDOS Ultrasound

12 Connolly St, West Leederville
PERTH - Western Australia 6007

Phone 08 9481 4008
Fax 08 9481 4080

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:45 pm
(strictly by appointment only)

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