Not falling pregnant

Gynaecology / Fertility Ultrasounds Perth

Not falling pregnant

Not falling pregnant is one of the common reasons to request a gynaecology ultrasound at QDOS Ultrasound Perth.

The information obtained from an abdominal and/or vaginal scan, will help your doctor check for any abnormalities and infertility causes.

Ultrasonography can provide valuable information about conditions such as abnormal development of the uterus, fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovarian syndrome or blocked tubes, but this requires an experienced ultrasound practitioner and O&G specialist for accurate interpretation.

not falling pregnant
not falling pregnant

O&G specialist ultrasounds

If you are not falling pregnant, and are experiencing a delay in falling pregnant, your doctor or specialist may request a gynaecological scan to check your anatomy, chances of any abnormal hormone patterns, or disease.

At QDOS Ultrasound Perth we operate as a team of sonographers and doctors.
Dr Bev Hewitt also performs gynaecological ultrasounds at QDOS and is one of only two obstetricians in WA to have been awarded the RANZCOG subspeciality (COGU).

How to prepare

How to prepare for an ultrasound?

  • You will be asked to have a moderate bladder (drink one to two glasses of any liquid about 3/4 hour before your scan).
  • If you are menstruating regularly, it is best to book your scan between days 5 and 11 of your cycle. It’s good to keep track of your cycle and to let us know the first day of your last menstrual period, as accurately as you can.
  • When you arrive, we will want to know more information about how long your periods last and how often they come, as well as any hormones you take or operations you may have had.

Related Information

Abdominal and vaginal ultrasounds

An abdominal ultrasound gives a good overview and is clearer when performed with a full bladder. A vaginal ultrasound (after bladder emptying) provides more detail. It uses a slender probe, which is inserted in a procedure far gentler than a Pap smear. For women having trouble falling pregnant, a vaginal ultrasound is almost always recommended.

For your gynaecological ultrasounds, you’ll be surrounded by a team of highly qualified doctors and health practitioners, sonographers and supporting receptionists. It’s our mission to provide best practice in a caring and supportive environment and we look forward to helping you with your next ultrasound.

Send Us an Email

Contact QDOS Ultrasound

12 Connolly St, West Leederville
PERTH - Western Australia 6007

Phone 08 9481 4008
Fax 08 9481 4080

Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:45 pm
(strictly by appointment only)

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