Do you need an Ultrasound and more information on what to expect?
Looking for an ultrasound expert specialised in women's health
QDOS Ultrasound has developed from a shared vision to provide Quality Diagnostic Obgyn Services to women and girls living in Perth and Western Australia. QDOS is a specialised obstetric (pregnancy) and gynaecological (women’s pelvic) ultrasound practice, originally established in 1994, and previously known as Park Ultrasound. Our doctors Dr Bev Hewitt and Dr Kristy Milward both have clinical backgrounds as specialist obstetricians and gynaecologists as well as extensive ultrasound experience, and all our staff are dedicated to ultrasound care in women’s health and Obgyn.

Pregnancy Scans

12 Week Scan
The 12-week scan is the first detailed ultrasound in a healthy pregnancy. The scan shows how your baby is developing and - combined with a blood test - allows us to check for any genetic concerns.

19 Week Scan
This is the main ultrasound scan during pregnancy. By 19-20 weeks most of your baby has developed. This means we can screen the organs to confirm that the development is progressing as expected.

NIPT & Procedures
Non-Invasive Prenatal Tests (NIPT) are blood tests for pregnant women which give a near-diagnostic level of accuracy for common chromosome problems in pregnancy – trisomies 21, 18 and 13, as well as an option to check for sex chromosome anomalies.

Third Trimester Scan
A Third Trimester Scan is usually performed after 28 weeks, often much later. It may also be referred to as a Late Pregnancy Ultrasound.

Gynaecology Scans

Heavy Periods
If you experience heavy periods, a gynaecology ultrasound may be requested to evaluate potential causes.

Bleeding between Periods
If you experience bleeding between periods, a gynaecology ultrasound may be needed to check for any abnormalities.

Bleeding after Menopause
A gynaecological ultrasound may be requested if you experience bleeding after your menopause. Your doctor and the QDOS team will help you gain more clarity on what is going on.

If you have difficulty conceiving, an ultrasound may be required to assess if there is a structural cause for sub-fertility or infertility.
Send Us an Email
Contact QDOS Ultrasound
12 Connolly St, West Leederville
PERTH - Western Australia 6007
Phone | 08 9481 4008 |
Fax | 08 9481 4080 |
Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:45 pm
(strictly by appointment only)
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